Registration (On-line registration)

How to Register

Participants are requested to register in advance On-line registration system

* Please be informed the maximum capacity of conference venue is 200 participates, registration will be closed until full capacity is reached.

* Please note that the registration is successful only after the payment is completed. Those who have not completed the payment will not be counted in the quota.

Registration Fee

Category Early Bird (~2024/9/30) Late Registration
Physician USD$700 USD$1,000
Resident/Fellows USD$400 USD$600
Conference Banquet (Mar. 7) USD$100 USD$120

* Please be informed the maximum capacity of conference venue is 200 participates, registration will be closed until full capacity is reached.


Special offer for IMC Premium Membership:

Welcome to join International Microsurgey Club Premium Membership to get the 100 USD Discount for iCALS registration!! As well as welfare in many other microsurgery conferences, textbook, instruments and facilities!! (Annual fee 100 USD)

Join us today 👇👇👇

After the six digits premium membership number obtained in 1-2 days then please use that for the iCALS registration (100 USD discount)

The Rights of Attendance for Registered Participants:

Category Physician/ Resident/Fellows Accompany Person
Join Date Mar. 6-8 -
Sessions &Materials Conference Sessions and  Conference Materials for congress only. -
Meal Mar. 6-8 Daily Coffee Breaks and Lunch -
Conference Banquet Mar. 7, by register Mar. 7, by register
Join Date Whole Conference Conference Banquet only
Copyright © The 1st International Congress of Advanced Lymphedema Surgery (iCALS) All rights reserved.