Invited Speakers

Keynote Speech

Keynote Speech 01

Prof. Isao Koshima, Japan (inviting)
Professor and Chief
International Center for Lymphedema, Hiroshima University Hospital, Japan
Emeritus Professor, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Prof. Hung-Chi Chen, Taiwan
International Center of China Medical University Hospital, Taiwan

Keynote Speech 02

Prof. William Repicci, USA
President & CEO
New York City-based Lymphatic Education and Research Network (LE&RN)
Prof. Joon Pio Hong, Korea (inviting)
Department of Plastic Surgery, Asan Medical Center Univ of Ulsan

Keynote Speech 03

Prof. Peter Neligan, USA
Department of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery, University of Washington

S01. Lymph Node/Lymphatic tissue Transfer

Prof. Assaf Zeltzer, Israel
Dept. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
Rambam Health Care Campus - Haifa ISRAEL
Prof. Wei Chen, USA
Professor, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Head, Regional Reconstructive Microsurgery & Supermicrosurgery
Co-Director, Center for Lymphedema Research and Reconstruction
Seoul National University Bundang Hospital
Prof. Hidehiko Yoshimatsu, Japan
Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research · Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Prof. Pedro Ciudad, Peru
Consultant Plastic Surgeon-
Head of the Microsurgery Unit
Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Burn Surgery
Arzobispo Loayza National Hospital, Lima, Peru
Prof. Edward Chang, USA
Department of Plastic Surgery, Division of Surgery
MD Anderson Cancer Center

S02. Debulking procedure/non-microsurgical alternatives

Prof. Håkan Brorson, Sweden
Professor, Senior Consultant
Lund University Cancer Centre, Department of Clinical Sciences in Malmö, Malmö, Sweden
Lund University
Prof. Manuel Cornely, Germany
Scientific Director
Prof. Chad Chang, UK
Consultant Plastic Surgeon
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Royal Victoria Infirmary
Prof. Roberto Bartoletti, Italy
• Lymphedema Surgery Center
• Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
University Hospital "Agostino Gemelli", Rome (Italy)

S03. Lymphaticovenous anastomosis

Prof. Dhruv Singhal, USA
Associate Professor of Surgery
Department ofSurgery
BIDMC/Harvard Medical School
Prof. Shinsuke Akita, Japan
Associate Professor
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Prof. Hangyu Cha, Korea
Associate Professor
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Soonchunhyang University Bucheon Hospital
Prof. Yukio Seki, Japan
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
The Cancer Institute Hospital of JFCR
Prof. Guido Giacalone, Belgium
Department of Lymphatic Surgery
AZ Sint-Maarten, Mechelen, Belgium (since 2015)
Prof. Johnson C.S. Yang, Taiwan
Professor and Director
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery/Lymphedema Center/Microsurgery Fellowship Program
Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
Prof. Takumi Yamamoto, Japan
Director, Chief
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
National Center for Global Health and Medicine
Prof. Ying-Sheng Lin, Taiwan
Attending Physician
Department of Plastic Surgery
National Taiwan University Hospital Yunlin Branch
Prof. Chieh-Han John Tzou, Austria
Director of Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,
Hospital of Divine Savior (Krankenhaus Goettlicher Heiland), Vienna, Austria
Sigmund Freud University Vienna, Austria
TZOU MEDICAL., Vienna, Austria

S04. Video Presentations

Prof. Giuseppe Visconti, Italy
Consultant Plastic Surgeon
Department of Unit of Plastic Surgery
Institute University Hospital “Agostino Gemelli” - Roma
Prof. Akitatsu Hayashi, Japan
Professor of Surgery
Kameda Medical Center in Kamogawa City, Japan
Prof. Johnson C.S. Yang, Taiwan
Professor and Director
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery/Lymphedema Center/Microsurgery Fellowship Program
Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital

S05. Central/Brain lymphatics

Prof. Qingping Xie, China
President of Qiushi Hospital| Chief Physician
Prof. Nicole Lindenblatt, Switzerland
Adjunct Professor
Deputy Director Department of Plastic and Hand Surgery University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland
Head of Lymphatic Surgery Unit

S06. Lymphatic Imaging for Surgery

Prof. Takumi Yamamoto, Japan
Director, Chief
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
National Center for Global Health and Medicine
Prof. Nicolas Pereira, Chile
Assistant Professor in Plastic Surgery
- Plastic Surgery and Burns Department
- Specialized Center in Lymphedema and Lipedema
Hospital del Trabajador / Clínica Nea
Prof. Dimitris Dionysiou, Greece
Associate Professor Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
Head of “THE Lymphedema Clinic”, Thessaloniki, Greece
Department of Plastic Surgery, Medical School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Prof. Yushi Suzuki, Japan
Project Assistant Professor
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Keio University School of Medicine
Prof. Giuseppe Visconti, Italy
Consultant Plastic Surgeon
Department of Unit of Plastic Surgery
Institute University Hospital “Agostino Gemelli” - Roma
Prof. Akitatsu Hayashi, Japan
Professor of Surgery
Kameda Medical Center in Kamogawa City, Japan
Prof. Hiroo Suami, Australia
Associate Professor, Department of Health Sciences
Macquarie University
Prof. Christoph Hirche, Germany
Professor and Chair
Plastic Surgery, Hand and Reconstructive Microsurgery
BG Unfallklinik Frankfurt am Main
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